Monday, February 7, 2011

Game time!

As a die hard Steelers fan, it was a disappointing loss to take in on Sunday.  And with all the hype across the past couple of weeks leading up to the game, I realized a couple things.  1. Quoting a new father from Pittsburgh, PA in a recent article, "She can choose her religion, but she can't choose what team she likes".  It sounds crazy...but I get it.  And while I was born into this fan base, there are some who do marry into the black and gold tradition (looking at you C).  2.  'Green and Yellow' will NEVER be as good as the original.  Sorry Lil Wayne...but it was cute that you tried.  And 3. My husbands playoff beard, while not Keisel's 'mane to fame', was pretty sweet on its own.

Some pictures from getting ready for the game.

Molly staring down Packer fans
playoff beard

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